Join our community of professionals, leaders and founders to sign up for an upcoming event and make the most of it. They fill up fast so you might want to sign up and secure your space. We look forward to your participation. Let us know if there are topics you would like us to cover. Help spread the word !
Upcoming Events

Money 20/20 (Copy)
If you use Code : FTN250 you will get a total of $750 off.
Early bird passes now on sale.
If you would like to be seen and heard by decision makers from payments, banking, fintech & financial services you must attend the conference.
Live & In-Person Be seen & heard by those who matter is important for you business.
Join us in Las Vegas, where the industry's leading Financial Services innovators come together to connect and create the future of money.

Connections, Conversations and Cocktails. Fintech Networking.
This is a great opportunity for the entire community to come together and meet industry professionals, startup founders, and investors. Even if you are new to Fintech and curious about the industry, we encourage you to join us and make valuable connections.
If you are on the lookout for your next job or gig, this event is the perfect place to be. Based on the success of our previous events, we are expecting a large and enthusiastic crowd ready to network and socialize.

Fintech AI - Chabot for Financial Services
In our upcoming events we plan to dive deep into the journey of the financial sector in successfully and efficiently adopting AI, shedding light on the hurdles, transformations, prospects, and benefits that come with new innovation and adoption.
Our first event is scheduled in just few weeks. We focus on “no-code”, end-to-end "Generative AI" powered Conversational AI platform that helps Fintechs and Enterprises automate Customer support, increase Customer Experience and Digital on-boarding.

Fintech Founder Lunch & Co-working
Founder journeys are unique and we aim to bring the group together to collaborate with each other to collaborate,share, solve and evolve.

Fintech Professionals Networking San Francisco
Network with Silicon Valley Fintech Professionals.
Join us for a Fintech industry professionals' networking event in downtown San Francisco.
Bring along your colleagues and friends. Help us spread the word. It is time to get back together as a community meet industry professionals, startup founders, and investors. New to fintech ? Curious about the industry ? Join us. Make the connections.
Looking for your next job or gig, join us. Going by our previous events, we expect a crowd eager to network and mingle.

Fintech Professionals Networking
Fintech Networking event downtown San Francisco, not to miss. Enjoy drinks and discussion.

Money 20/20
Ready to networking with women in Fintech?
Bring along your colleagues or friends. Help us spread the word.
The best part about networking events is making a meaningful connection. That is what we strive to deliver. Our events bring like-minded individuals from the Fintech industry to share their professionals experiences and learnings with each other. The events offers you an opportunity to get to know someone in a less formal environment, perhaps making it easier to build rapport.

Women in Fintech Networking
Ready to networking with women in Fintech?
Bring along your colleagues or friends. Help us spread the word.
The best part about networking events is making a meaningful connection. That is what we strive to deliver. Our events bring like-minded individuals from the Fintech industry to share their professionals experiences and learnings with each other. The events offers you an opportunity to get to know someone in a less formal environment, perhaps making it easier to build rapport.

Fintech Professionals Networking Event
Join us for Networking and drinks.
After a long hiatus, we are scheduling our first fintech industry professionals' networking event in downtown San Francisco. Yeah!!!!
Bring along your colleagues and friends. Help us spread the word.
In the past, we have had some amazing events, and now it is time to restart and get back to hosting them again.
Expect industry professionals, startup founders, and investors to be in attendance. New folks curious about the industry are also welcome to join.
Going by our previous events, we expect a crowd eager to network and mingle.
Learn More and Register
Money 20/20
Money20/20 offers more than a leading view on the global financial industry. As fintech’s premier content, sales and networking platform, they are the go-to source for in-depth analysis and insight.
Click here for more Info and discount code.

Payment Mega Trends
Payment Mega Trends
The notoriously slow moving payment industry often takes decades to make changes. Currently we are seeing an unprecedented upheaval taking place that will completely reshape global industry in the next 5 years. It will not only affect payments but also the banking industry; central banks, currencies and even governments.
There is an unprecedented upheaval taking place that will completely reshape the payment industry globally in the next 5 years, affecting the banking industry; central banks, currencies and even governments.
Few people are fully aware of this upheaval as it is not obvious to those outside the industry, and is mostly taking place in developing countries, for now.
Event Registration

Fintech Business Development from Zero to One.
Dreaming up a cool fintech idea is a one thing, launching and growing a business is another. Believe it or not, the latter is much more challenging.
What role does trust play in creating and selling Fintech solutions. How does this change when your offering is new to the market, where it is critical to gain and keep customers trust? How do you convince someone to believe in your offering when your sales is based on trust?
Click-> Sign up.

Fintech Networking for Industry Professionals
The best part about networking events is making a meaningful connection.
That is what we strive to deliver.
Our events bring like-minded individuals Fintech industry professionals.
Invoice and seasoned career focused individuals meet in an informal environment. We believe interactions and knowledge sharing help us grow in ways we did not anticipate.
Our events offer an opportunity for you to get to know someone in an informal environment, this set up is important for your first meeting as it helps build a rapport and imperative in building connections that might follow.
Beyond making a wonderful connection you will also hear about the latest happenings and goings at various companies and industry.
Join us, what are you waiting for?
Click -> Sign up.

Creating Exceptional Impact as a Fintech Product Manager
Product managers are asked to master a nearly infinite variety of skills, ranging from sales to marketing to analytics to strategy.
What does it really take to become a successful fintech product manager? In this event, a seasoned B2B fintech product manager shares his journey into fintech, as well as the four crucial skills that enabled him to deliver exceptional impact.
Click-> Sign up.

Breaking into Fintech
Financial service is being disrupted by tech like never, some have even called it the 4th industrial revolution……we are just getting started.
If you ever wanted to start or thrive in this ever expanding and exploring industry this event is for you.
The industry offers many opportunities from the world largest banks to innovate start with small teams and big dreams.
Join us to see how you can get into the industry, make your mark, launch a product, climb up the ladder and find a peer group.
Click-> Sign up.

Can algorithms also fight bias instead of entrenching it?
The promise of algorithms is to help us make decisions not only faster and cheaper than humans but also to eliminate cognitive biases and thus arbitrary and subjective discrimination. Free of fatigue and other mental foibles, an ideal algorithm is a wonderful tool. Unfortunately, of course, we now recognize that algorithms often fall short of that ideal. In particular, they are trained on data from the real world, and thus replicate the biases we show as society. It does not have to be that way, however - join us for a lively discussion and debate how to design and use algorithms to fight bias instead of entrenching it, thus making them an agent for societal change, be it in business, academia, or government.
Click -> Sign up

Fintech Founder Friday
Digital transformation is powered by innovate ideas. Ideas that are brought to life by founders, working tirelessly to realize their dream.
We are restarting our Fintech Founder Friday in 2021 to continue bringing successful fintech entrepreneurs together as a peer group. In the past it proved to be helpful in helping founders understand the challenges and opportunities the the industry presents.

Data Science in Financial services : Capabilities Applications and Limitations
Data collection and use is a foundational function in the financial services industry. Even the earliest banks were charged with tracking customer transaction activity and maintaining ledger balances. However, the industry’s reliance on explanatory and predictive data analysis has significantly evolved in recent years and now almost all business functions are dependent on data science.

Fintech Founder Friday
Digital transformation is powered by innovate ideas. Ideas that are brought to life by founders, working tirelessly to realize their dream.
We are restarting our Fintech Founder Friday in 2021 to continue bringing successful fintech entrepreneurs together as a peer group. In the past it proved to be helpful in helping founders understand the challenges and opportunities the the industry presents.

The Future of Retail Finance in the West – One (super duper) app to rule them all?
The Future of Retail Finance in the West – One (super duper) app to rule them all? Join the discussion to find out.
Around the world, Retail Finance has been intermediated by tech, particularly mobile tech, like never before. This “4th industrial revolution” has only just begun. Transaction systems, financial accounts and banking systems have been going through a rapid transformation and the speed of change is picking up, particularly under the lockdown conditions the world has found itself in.

Fintech Founder Friday
Fintech Founder Fridays are popular events. It is when founders get together to meet other founders, learn and grow. Ask questions, share challenges and find solutions. Learn more.

Fintech Founders. Distant but closer to my Goal.
Online Fintech Founder event.
Fintech broadly defined as : financial technology, crypto, blockchain, insurtech, regtech, compliance tech, banking tech, payments, security, and authentication.
Event for founders only. Founders with a product in the market and running business.
Fintech Founder Lunch
Connect, contribute, gain insights & find solutions to challenges you face as an entrepreneur Fintech Founder, in peer a group environment
Fintech Professionals Networking
Inviting all Fintech Professionals to meet other professionals in a relaxed setting. Catch up, connect and contribute. Free drinks & Raffle.
Fintech Founder Lunch
Connect, contribute, gain insights & find solutions to challenges you face as an entrepreneur Fintech Founder, in peer a group environment

The Evolution of Digital Investing Advice
The Evolution of Digital Investing Advice, panelists will assess the impact of digital innovation on the wealth management sector .
Fintech Professionals Networking
Join us if you are working in Financial services, Payments, Information Security, Identity, Insurance, Lending, Blockchian, Cyrpto or any other Fintech sister domain.
The idea is to meet other professionals in a relaxed setting. Catch up on things and make new connections.
Tale of Two Solo Entrepreneurs that went from Idea to Exit. On to Serial Entrepreneurship & Investing
Two amazing women entrepreneurs that took their idea to launch and successfully exited the first time. Then went on to become serial entrepreneurs and now actively invest in early stage startups.
Fintech Founder Lunch. Collaborate and Contribute.
After a successful Fintech Founder event on July 18th, we plan on continuing to bring founders together once a month. At our last event we not only learnt from our speaker but also form each other. We plan to continue our discussion, collaboration and contribution to each others success.
Fintech Office Hours. Oakland. Bring your Questions
30 mins one-on-one meetings with me to discuss your particular challenge and see how I can help solve it. I can connect in person or on the phone.